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Thursday, February 21, 2013

The not so great state of Colorado

Colorado is in turmoil,

In the “great” state of Colorado, there is currently legislation attempting to be passed Colorado House Bill 1224 Banning magazines with a capacity of over 15 rounds, CHB1226 retracts existing ability for legal concealed carry on college campuses, CHB1228 Imposes a gun tax when purchasing a gun, CHB1229 Criminalizing the private transfer of a firearm… This is passing in Colorado because the anti-gun/protectionist Democrats (read: not all Democrats) are controlling that state with the addition of certain Republicans collapsing and voting against freedom. This is what happens when YOU don’t vote. By sitting on the sidelines and not voting and not being politically active YOU are allowing this to happen to our country. Contact the Colorado officials by email, phone calls, and written letters even if you do not live there!!! Let them know that you do not want this to pass and why! If this massive act of gun control legislation passes, then the door has been opened to other states that will also collapse under pressure and pass similar legislation. This is all leading up to the Universal Background Checks (see below).

How does this affect you if you do not live in Colorado?

Other than what I mentioned above, Magpul Industries is based in Colorado! If this legislation passes then about 75% of their production would be deemed illegal and they would be shut down. Magpul has threatened to take its business (and all of its jobs) to another state. If this passes then they better move to Texas! But it won’t pass…. Because YOU are going to contact the following people RIGHT NOW;

                Max Baucus 202-224-2651

                Sen. Mark Begich 202-224-3004

 Sen. Susan Collins 202-224-2523

                Sen. Joe Donnelly 202-224-4814

 Sen. Kay Hagan 202-224-6342

                Sen. Martin Heinrich 202-224-5521

                Sen. Heidi Heitkamp 202-224-2043

                Sen. Tim Johnson 202-224-5842

                Sen. Tim Kaine 202-224-4024

                Sen. Angus King 202-224-5344

                Sen. Mary Landrieu 202-224-5824

                Sen. Joe Manchin 202-224-3954

                Sen. Claire McCaskill 202-224-6154

                Sen. Mark Pryor 202-224-2353

 Sen. Harry Reid 202-224-3542

                Sen. Jeanne Shaheen 202-224-2841

                Sen. Jon Tester 202-224-2644

                Sen. Mark Udall 202-224-5941

                Sen. Tom Udall 202-224-6621

                Sen. Mark Warner 202-224-2023


Go ahead and take a moment to do this, Google them for email or call them now… I will be here upon your return.


The truth about universal background checks…

There is currently legislation in the works that will require universal background checks for the sale and transfer of all firearms albeit FFL to person (buying a gun from a gun store or vendor at a gun show) or person to person (private sales or even passing down a firearm to your son). This sounds to the outside that this is merely the same as it is now but with the additional checks required for private party transactions, as FFL to person transactions have required background checks for decades, not so bad right?
NO!!!  It is not the same at all!  This now popular proposal promises to destroy your privacy and your gun owning rights. It cannot work without a National Firearms Registry! The new proposed universal background checks will act as a database for who owns what firearms. The NICS system that has been in place for ages does not allow the use of its information recorded to be placed into a database. The caveat with this is that if it passes, then another bill will pass that requires the owners of firearms to provide the information of what firearms that they already own to be put into this database or face felony charges with a minimum 10 year prison sentence…. This is called total gun registration… Once this has all been accomplished, the government is basically free to enact legislation leading to the final goal… complete confiscation of firearms and total disarmament of a responsible society which was allowed these rights in order to defend ourselves.
I have supplied a letter (not mine) to be emailed to your senators so that you really do not have any reason not to do this... you just need to add your name to the bottom;

Dear Senator:

I strongly encourage you to oppose the so-called Universal Background Checks (UBC) for gun purchasers. On any level, this is a bad idea. I will not achieve its stated objectives and will bring into play many serious abuses against US Civil Liberties. In discussion of the UBC please consider the following:
1) We already have a universal background checking system in place: the NICS. All personal information is reported through NICS and approve by checking existing Federal Criminal databases. The vast majority of guns sold in this country are ran through NICS. The system, like all govt programs, functions poorly and has blocked 10000s of legitimate buyers of firearms; good people denied their rights. Moreover this system itself is an invasion of individual privacy and, contrary to federal law, the provided information has been integrated into illegal databases by the ATF. Meanwhile violent criminals do whatever they’ve always done: stealing or obtaining their guns through illegal sources. UBC will not affect criminals just as the current system generally does not.
2) The real intent of UBC is to track, control, limit, ration, outlaw many varieties of guns, and ultimately confiscate personally held firearms. Even if that’s not the intention of your Congress, those that follow you can easily change this. Private gun transfers should remain legal and untracked by any govt entity since doing so does not decrease crime. And yet proponents know UBC cannot work without creating a National Firearms Registry. They will demand national gun registration with attached felonies for non-compliance as they seek to identify, track, and eliminate personal firearms. With this system in place, politicians can “call in” whatever guns, through current political expediency, are determined to be “evil.” In this expanded UBC system criminals, of course, will be unaffected. Bad guys can illegally manufacture dangerous devices anytime they want irregardless of law.
3) Many abuses of the UBC system will ensue. The creation of an all encompassing Federal Gun Owner Database will be used to the destruction of liberty and privacy for all Americans. Integration of contrived medical disqualifiers will be abused (like treatment for depression after the loss of a family member a decade ago!), extra fees and taxes will be assessed, dissemination of gun owner data in public forums could occur (leading to theft and murders), integration of national ID systems and political classifications could be integrated…just to name a few. The government has no business tracking this information and it’s a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment..
True assistance to gun violence can be accomplished in two simple ways 1) Strengthen American value systems instead of tearing them down. Support families and their instruction of their children. Not by liberal government educational systems but by families. This WILL reduce gun crime. Good children, taught be loving guardians, grow up to be good people, protecting life not destroying it. 2) Eliminate gun free zones with national legislation. Civilian gun ownership has to be allowed in all reasonable venues to eliminate these mass shootings: schools, shopping areas, churches, stadiums, etc. Immediate armed response by both LE and armed civilians stops these shootings, proven in recent history.

UBC will prove to be catastrophic for America. I truly appreciate your support in defending the Second Amendment and will continually reward you with my support and that of my audience in social media. Likewise if I find it lacking I will strive to make sure you are not re-elected and your political career is ruined.

Thank you for your consideration,


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