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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fighting the good fight

In a quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson, "The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."

Obama and other politicians are currently calling for the ban of "high capacity magazines" and "military style" firearms. The Bill of Rights is there for our liberty, not to protect hunting, sport shooting, or even defending yourself against a robber. The 2nd Amendment of our Constitution is meant for the "security of a free State", and "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, which shall not be infringed upon." That means the citizens of the United States must keep their right to bear arms enough to keep a balance of power with a clearly corrupt United States Government. THE 2ND AMENDMENT IS MEANT TO KEEP THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, AND FOR THE PEOPLE FROM PERISHING FROM THE EARTH.

As I am sure you might have guessed this is a pro 2nd amendment, pro freedom blog. Hopefully you are current and aware of what is going on legislatively that not only has an effect on limiting your rights of firearm possession and legal use, but all other rights as the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects and upholds all of the rest. These “assault weapons bans” will have a direct effect on your life and the lives of our future generations’ traditions and way of life! I am worried that what is being proposed has evil underlying factors not related to gun control or crime, but related to people control…

The Second Amendment is not about protecting our Right to hunt or to shoot for sport, but about protecting ourselves. Furthermore, the fingerprinting of and background checks for those who already lawfully own a firearm in order to register them is an invasion of privacy. Recognize that the founding fathers intended the second amendment as a further mode of the checks and balances of our great government to ensure that tyranny would not gain a foothold in the government of this nation.

It is time to stop the blatant attempts to demonize an inanimate object for committing crimes. Instead we must enforce the laws that are already on the books when dealing with firearms.

Owning a firearm automatically makes you politically active and if you are not willing to take action to preserve your rights as a gun owner, then it is time to sell your gun(s) and wash your hands of any responsibility in this issue.

Assuming you all who are reading this are indeed gun owners in the United States of America or you are simply freedom/liberty loving individuals, the time for legislative action is now! Pick up your pens and your keyboards (actually keep those keyboards on the desk, you will need them) and write to your U.S. Congressmen/women, Governors, Senators, etc. showing them your passion for your second amendment rights as citizens of this great country! If you need help finding your district’s appointed officials then Google is your friend! If you use good old fashioned snail mail, be sure to hand write rather than type your letter (they love hand written letters, it shows more passion)! It helps to be professional and courteous as well as truthful and to the point about individual issues.

For those of you who may have trouble with writer’s block, I will provide a sample letter to give you some ideas and motivation; feel free to use some or all of it in your own letter!!



As you know, Congress is shockingly considering GUN LEGISLATION that will make enemies into millions of its citizens, breaching a trust long held. I urge to stand for individual liberty and trust in the citizenry, just like our Constitution affirms and clearly outlines.

I urge you with the greatest commitment to VOTE AGAINST the assault weapons ban and any other legislation that purposes registration and banning of so-called "Assault Weapons." These firearms are in tens of millions of households, held by good citizens, keeping the peace, and preserving their liberty. The percentage of criminal use of these guns is infinitesimal and statistically insignificant.

More importantly, these proposed laws registering and banning this broad category of guns will have no effect on crime. As we saw in the CT massacre at Sandy Hook, criminals will steal their guns, ignore ALL laws, and in the end probably use other destructive devices to kill people (buses, cars, poisons, homemade bombs, etc.).

The only effective solution to these killers is an immediate armed response, just like civilian Nick Meli in a mall in Clackamas, OR. With his Glock, he foiled a mass shooting which saved lives. An armed civilian stops these mass killings! ARMED TEACHERS ARE THE ANSWER, NOT criminalizing millions of good Americans. That will cause much greater problems. But this isn't about guns or greater public safety, or stopping the killings, it's about people control. This is much more ominous.

The fingerprinting, registration, and guaranteed future control of an owner of this type of firearm VIOLATES the Second Amendment. It is a glaring manifestation of an overreaching, out of control government...the very thing which our founders feared and wished to prevent. This destruction of the 2nd Amendment will have a domino effect. Other rights will also be attacked, weakened, and outright eliminated. In the future this could lead to civic unrest, deadly confrontations with law enforcement, and more.

This or other "assault weapons bans" will be unenforceable as well. In the end, only the criminals and the government will be armed. Is that what you want? In determining the course of this country this might be your most important vote ever. Firmly PRESERVE GUN OWNERS RIGHTS and accept no compromise. I thank you for your past support in this area; it's time to do it again as the anti-freedom forces are always on the march. I will watch your vote with great interest and gratefully support you in future elections for your defense of our Constitution.


(Your name here)


Thank you for your support and now I will leave you with some food for thought;

Gun Free Zones are supposed to protect our children, and some politicians wish to strip us of our right to keep and bear arms. Those same politicians and their families are currently under the protection of armed Secret Service agents. If Gun Free Zones are sufficient protection for our children, then Gun Free Zones should be good enough for politicians…. Right?

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